Wed 28OCT15

8:45 AM
Row 500m @1:45 pace
rest walk 2:15
x 5

rest 5 min

Row 500m @1:45 pace
rest walk 2:15
x 5
– SUSTAIN this aerobic pace, important for you!
– HR monitored please

1. 1:45.2
2. 1:45.3
3. 1:45.7
4. 1:45.6
5. 1:45.6
6. 1:45.2
7. 1:45.8
8. 1:45.2
9. 1:45.6
10. 1:45.7

HR Graph 28OCT15

4:00 PM
5 sets @85% consistent effort:
15 PS – 95#
Run 200m
12 push ups
run 200m
9 double KB HPC&J – 1.5pd/h
run 200m
rest walk 2:00

1. 5:59
2. 6:09
3. 5:49
4. 5:47
5. Did not do.
* This took a lot longer than expected. Didn’t have time to complete the last set.

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